
Showing posts with label link. Show all posts
Showing posts with label link. Show all posts

Thursday, 29 August 2013

Intarsia and me!

This is so nice. Over at Miss Marple's Knitting Club, they have written a good explanation of what intarsia knitting is, and at the same time they have featured one of my cowls. Now other people is writing about my knitting, too.

In other news I am looking for input on colors for a dragon over at my facebook page, and I am contemplating what to do with the skein below.

Any suggestions?

As you may have already seen here on the blog, there is a plan to have an evening of slow TV about knitting this winter. I talked to one of the local yarn stores here in Bergen today, and there may be a plan to make a happening out of this day at the store, or rather nearby the store. Bring your knitting and watch along, kind of thing. But it is quite uncertain yet. Really hope this happens, it would be so much fun.

Until next time,

Happy Knitting

Wednesday, 31 July 2013

Cotton yarn

I tried to make one of the beaded bows with a lovely cotton yarn, but the whole thing came out all flopsy and droopy. It kind of looked like a sad clown bow.

So, instead I had to find a pattern that fit a cotton yarn, and Drops provided again. This lovely set of socks and bonnet for a baby was made in a jiffy and came out quite well, I think. The yarn would be soothing and cool on a summer day, and provide warmth on cold days.

The free patterns from Drops is now making it on to my useful links for knitting, as a fledgeling pattern designer, I've found it very helpful to have a large resource for looking up solutions that others have had.

And I'm learning from my red experiment, now I know that a cotton yarn is not very firm and can not provide a shape on its own. If I want to make something that isn't clothing and should stay in a particular shape on it's own, choose something else. Although, cotton yarn is definitely nice for clothing.

Until next time,

Happy Knitting

Tuesday, 4 June 2013

1, 2, 3, testing, testing

So, I´ve been an avid knitter for thirty odd years, and now it is time for me to start making my own patterns. When I want to knit something specific I usually end up finding a pattern that is similar, and alter it to fit my needs. Still that does not help in all cases, and I miss being able to knit what I imagine. And this blog will be about my journey towards making the patterns that I want.

In this blog I will share what I learn, useful links, helpful hints and patterns that I make.

As most other nordic knitters I am pretty ok with color work, and over the years I have made countless of those nordic stars. So I started by testing my own color work and think it came out ok.

I took this image and uploaded it to knitPro 2.0 and created a knitting chart.

Orginal image for knitty nerd chart

knitPro 2.0 is an online chart maker that takes images and creates knitting, crocheting and needlework charts. It is the best one that I've found. Luckily it is also free. Many of the other ones do not take into account that a knitting stitch is taller than it is wide.

Then I knitted the chart.

Knitty Nerd, unblocked

And finally I blocked it.

Knitty Nerd, blocked

Download the almost knitty nerd chart, if you want for some reason.

Until next time,

Happy knitting.